L’assurance est présente dans tous les aspects de votre vie


About the Insurance Institute

Professional Education and Development for 38,000 Members

The Insurance Institute of Canada is the not-for-profit professional development association of 38,000 individual members employed in the property and casualty insurance industry. Our members work in insurance and reinsurance companies, brokerages, adjusting firms and corporations. For more than 100 years, the Insurance Institute has provided our members with access to a broad base of professional development opportunities across Canada. The most recognized of these are the nationally and internationally known Chartered Insurance Professional (CIP) and Fellow Chartered Insurance Professional (FCIP) designations.

Since 2007, the Insurance Institute has also commissioned a number of research studies. Particularly relevant to the Career Connections program are the findings from three demographic research studies undertaken on behalf of the industry to help address the human resources issues of the property and casualty insurance sector. The research clearly demonstrates that there is a need to recruit more youth (those under 35) into the insurance industry. Career Connections, as a division of the Insurance Institute, is one initiative that helps generate greater awareness about careers in insurance among youth and career seekers.

The Insurance Institute of Canada does not sell insurance nor does it offer particular advice on insurance services. We are an educational organization developing the education, experience and professional ethics of those who are currently employed in the property and casualty insurance industry and related financial fields.