L’assurance est présente dans tous les aspects de votre vie


For High School Students
For Post-Secondary Students
For Career Changers
Meet a College Grad who found her place in Insurance
Meet a University Grad who found his place in insurance
Meet an Internationally Trained Professional who found his place in insurance
Meet an Actuary
Meet an Appraiser
Meet a Broker
Meet a Claims Investigator
Meet a Loss Adjuster
Meet a Loss Control Specialist
Meet a Marketing Representative
Meet a Risk Manager
Meet an Underwriter

You may be surprised to find
insurance isn't what you think.
It's a whole lot more.

What are you looking for in a new career? Earning potential? Security? Having the chance to face a new and different challenge every day?

The videos below will help you explore the insurance industry from different perspectives depending on which point you're at in your studies or career. You'll also learn more about the different types of roles available in insurance from industry professionals themselves.