Making the Connection
The Career Connections staff and insurance professionals, acting as industry ambassadors, actively participate in nearly 400 career fairs and events hosted at schools, post secondary institutions and communities across the country. Ambassadors are also available to give career talks in the classroom and present careers in insurance as part of panel presentations. And to encourage educators to teach about risk and insurance in the classroom, we engage educators at professional development conferences to showcase our teacher resources. For more information on our busy calendar of activities, see below:
Events for Post Secondary Students, Career Changers and Global Talent
Career Connections also hosts and participates in a number of activities that are insurance specific, often involving bringing employers on campus and/or presenting a panel of insurance professionals. As planning is ongoing for these types of events, check back here often for updates and to learn more about our Careers in Insurance events. All times are Eastern.
Coffee Chats
Feb 26, 2:00 PM EST
Get a 20-minute small group session with your chosen insurance professional. Ask questions, get advice, and explore career opportunities in the industry.
Register now
Ambassador Training
Sep/Oct, Jan/Feb, May/June
If you would like to join our ambassador team, fill out the form.
Register now
Insurance Career Connections Newsletter
Sign-up for our newsletter to see employer profiles, career paths in the industry and learn about upcoming events! You may unsubscribe anytime
Sign-up here
Events for High School Students
Career Connections participates in education and career fairs that are held across the country to help high school students make decisions about their post secondary education and career paths. Career Connections staff and ambassadors also give career talks in classrooms. Check out our Educators section for more information.
Sept - Dec Virtual Classroom Presentations and Career Fairs
November Feed the Minds of Youth Day
February Chatter High National Competition
February DECA Ontario Provincial Championships
In addition, each year many Grade 9 students participate in Take Our Kids to Work Day with their parents or guardians. In partnership with this event, Career Connections helps increase awareness of careers within the insurance industry by coordinating Feed the Minds of Youth events across the country. Find out more on how you can participate in this free event in your area.
Contact for more information or to participate!