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Networking 101

If you haven't already identified where you might see yourself fitting into the property & casualty insurance industry, be sure to take our quiz and explore the many rewarding career options available in insurance further on the Career Connections website. It is difficult to network if you are not able to identify a clear goal and demonstrate an understanding of the industry to those you are attempting to connect with.

Once you have identified a role (or even roles) that might fit with your career goals, it’s time to network, confirm assumptions and ask questions. In short, talk to people.

Chances are you are already connected to a number of insurance professionals - Think about who handles your home, tenant or vehicle insurance? Do you have any friends or family who work in the industry? Or, do you know someone who does? Is there someone at your current employment who handles risk management or the insurance aspects for your company? Talking to an industry professional can help you better understand the industry, career pathways available, connect you to others, help confirm assumptions or research you have already conducted, and even possibly lead to a job!

People often like to talk about their work and help people to understand their industry. Insurance involves a lot of relationship building – you may be surprised by the response to your questions.

Also, consider attending a career fair, insurance trade show or special event where you may be able to make a connection. A list of career fairs that Career Connections and other insurance organizations may attend can be found here.

Finally, if you are feeling a little unsure about how to network effectively, check out this article with 8 tips on how to make the most of each networking event you attend.